Industry Linkages

Executive Training

We provide training to our graduates in the areas of communication skills and latest technologies. These training improve their professional competencies and help them and their employers grow together.


Our students get internship opportunities in renowned national and international companies every year. The objective of this program is to expose students to the real functioning of the organizations and their respective departments. The internees spend time in different organizations and actively participate in their projects.

Professional Talks

The top leadership of the various industries regularly come to our classrooms and share their experience and recent developments in the industry. These sessions allow students to see the practical side of their knowledge and prepare them to find their career paths.

Industry Meetups

In Pakistan, universities and industries largely work in isolation. We strongly believe that our organizations can only strengthen our society when education is aligned well with the industry needs. The professionals’ meetups bridge this gap by connecting our faculty and students with the industry of their respective discipline.

Industry Tours

Our students regularly visit top organizations and businesses to understand how the concepts and theories they learn in their coursework are applying in a real setting. This program helps them to identify topics for their assignments and projects.